Here are some places where you can give:

TLC gives away a $500 scholarship to a deserving high school senior each year.

TLC donates money to Moms Against Hunger to help mothers in the United States and throughout the world. In a crisis a mother tends to be the most vulnerable member of society because she’s got to care for her children.

TLC gives scholarships to women who can’t afford the costs of classes that we offer to better their life. Each woman involved in a study over the course of one year, pays about $60 for that year of materials. For some, $60 is far out of their reach and they can use some help.

TLC in cooperation with Role Models Of America helps members of our local community with clothing, household goods, and resume writing to ensure that people who are having difficulties can land back on their feet.

TLC helps people in the community with Angel Food Ministries. A feeding program where a family of 4 can buy $80-100 worth of groceries for about $40. For some, even $40 is out of their budget.

If you are interested in donating please click on the following link to get involved!


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