About TLC

In 2006 Transforming Life Center was started by Susan Young. Susan, a pastor in California was met with a challenge of starting a woman’s bible study but she didn’t want the status quo that she had seen in churches where woman were coached in male bashing and gossip. She discovered that by talking about real life issues that face women outside the four walls of the church she was able to make more of  an impact and see an actual change in women. So TLC was born. Our hope is that you find this site insightful as we tackle not only the current issues facing our world today but also our own personal lives. Our goal is to see your life transformed into something beautiful! Transforming Life Center is about empowering you to find out your original design and purpose so that you can go and fulfill your wildest dreams unhindered by the past and looking solely to the future for your destiny!

3 thoughts on “About TLC

  1. TLC is an awesome thing, it helped me heal and transform into the women God wants me to be, of course I will always be a work in progress. I am a lot futher than I was:)

  2. Shalom,

    Pastor Susan, Greetings to you in the majestic name of our Lord Jesus Christ . I pray that this humble,friendly message finds you walking in the favor of God.

    God,s minister, God has invested enough message of salvation in you to get out of your country to go all over the world to preach the gospel and win more souls to Christ.

    God has called you out of many, chosen you ,anointed you and approved you for his great Job.

    Pastor, God has a purpose with you life.He has created you to accomplish the great things for him.

    Pastor, this specific task which God has for you and no body else! whether is to plant new churches, to start a bible school or a soup kitchen of the poor,is God,s vision for you.

    Pastor,God Has called you and He placed you in a specific congregation or ministry,because He has a specific task that you support to fulfill here.

    Pastor , God has a task and a purpose for you.He will be with you and He will accomplish the task through His power.He will equip you and give you the power to do it.

    Pastor, He is faithful.if He calls you to a task that is greater than your own abilities,He will also give you the people to support the good work you are doing for Him.

    Pastor, God has a plan with your life.yes! even before you were born,He planned you in the finest detail, humble yourself before the Lord He will lift you up[James 4;-10]

    Pastor, you are God,s special workmanship.psalm 139,says that God knew you before you were formed in your mother,s womb!

    pastor, your greatest blessings began when God said,He created you in his image in Genesis 1;26, everything you put your hands to, is going to prosper.

    Pastor, you are so precious to the Lord,silver and gold wasn,t enough.God wanted to purchase you with something more valuable than any precious mental or mineral.so He used the blood of Jesus Christ.

    Surely, in everything we do,we believe in positive changing and affecting the lives of people who we are constantly working towards inspiring change.

    Pastor, working together is so fruitful growth and maturity in the Lord among us.
    My good friend, we are thanking God that we are connected to an anointing servant ,ministry ,who are committed in spreading the

    GOOD NEWS of spreading a salvation message and win more souls and many to LOVE Jesus Christ .

    We are pray that one day God will open a way you to bring His message to us-here in Africa.

    May the Lord be with you, please.plant your work here in Kenya, Covid 19 will be defeated, God is able and strong to heal the World, and this will be back to normal.

    Thank you,

    Pastor Flora Ondimu

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