Who I Am



My name is Susan Young and I am an authentic Californian, bred and born. I am a pastor and a follower of Christ, a wife, a mom, a friend and a daughter. I love life, the beach and a good Soy Chai Latte each morning. I am passionate about our church and I love to see the changes the people are making in their lives. It propels me forward and causes me to learn more and grow, to help them. I am an avid reader, who at any given moment, is reading blogs, and at least four books at a time. My goal is to speak into the lives of other women not only in our church but outside our church as well. I believe that many of us are trying to be cookie cutter images of each other and that God has designed you to be a masterpiece. He calls you his poetry (Eph 2:8) and that’s the great romance we have with him. No one alive on this planet, at this moment, has your identical DNA, strengths, attributes, personality and talent. You were called to live a beautiful life. Not a life without troubles or one that is perfect but ultimately beautiful. You are here to fulfill a purpose that no one else can. You are beautiful and unique.

8 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Congrats on the launching of your new site! I know that God is going to use this as a great tool to reach out to many! God bless you!

  2. Love the little black dress. Kudos on starting another blog to reach people and be a witness. Welcome to wordpress. There are other christians on here who are also using this as a tool for outreach. What flavor denomination do you belong to?

    Blessings on you and yours
    John Wilder

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